This is a picture of a newspaper stand with The Bulletin on it.
This is The Bulletin with information on what’s going on in the area this month

An informal look at life in this part of France and a selection of things to see and do


Here is the February issue – a few events to enjoy in this area, including some concerts, recent films, a visit to a chocolate factory and a pretty walk in Pontmain.

Have a great February.

(More info may be available at Tourist Offices).

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Important! Please Note: This publication is a guide only, as dates and times are subject to change without notice. To ensure details and times are correct, Judith always recommends contacting the tourist offices.

Please Note:

This publication is a guide only, as dates and times are subject to change without notice. To ensure details and times are correct, Judith always recommends contacting the tourist offices.

Back Issues of The Bulletin Now Available Here

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Please be aware that The Bulletin is not sent out on a mailing list,
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